Careers of The 21st Century

Scientific approach towards Career Building that includes Psychometric Assessments, On-Demand Counselling and Skill-Building for success and happiness.

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Career Guidance Solutions

We are all unique and are born with dormant potential. Career planning should be based on a scientific approach using psychometric assessments rather than mere aspirations. Career Guidance is all about balancing the aspiration and abilities of an individual to find the right career choices for an individual. Counsellors should be wary about unscientific approaches when it comes to career counselling as any wrong choice at the early stage would result in a mismatch in the careers and unhappiness in lives.

Career building involves 3 steps: Career Assessments to identify suitable career options, Career Counselling to draft a career plan and finally Skill-Building to prepare students to achieve career goals.

The Most Trusted Career Guidance Platform

Self-guided psychometric assessments, career counselling, skill-building and admission guidance all on one platform.

Psychometric Assessments

Multi-dimensional psychometric career assessments to identify the right career choices based on abilities, personality, emotional intelligence, interest, etc.

World-Class Experts

All our career counselors are certified and have a minimum of 5 years of experience. We pride ourselves in our ability to assess a child's potential going beyond the assessment reports.

Holistic Career Pathing

Giving our students an opportunity to select from among 350+ career options, admission guidance and skill development opportunities.

Annual Support

We realise that things can change and that is why we don't leave you alone. Our Counselors available to support and guide you for an entire year, well after the assessment is over.

21st Century Skills

You can begin your career by using your academic skills, but your success will depend on your skills and that is where we help you become ready for the 21st Century Skills.

Holistic Growth

Careers are just one pillar required for a person to be happy and successful, our programs focus on holistic growth by helping children work on their passions, relationships and health as well.


Step-by-Step guide for Career Guidance


It is important for us to know you before we guide you. The first session will help the counselor understand the aspirations of the parents and the child and establish realistic expectations. The student is briefed about the counseling process to ensure that the process remains authentic and objective.

Psychometric Assessment

Multi-dimensional psychometric career assessments to identify the right career choices based on abilities, personality, emotional intelligence, career inclination, etc. The purpose is to identify and highlight the dormant potential of the individual for career planning.


Work with India's leading Counselors to understand and interpret the assessment report. This is where we help you understand your child better and shortlist ideal career options and build a long term career road map.

21st Century Skill Assessment

Children who develop a deeper understanding of the skills required in the 21st Century are going to lead the world. Our unique 21st Century Skill Assessment goes a step beyond career counselling and helps you prepare your child for a uncertain yet exciting future.

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